How have we already made it to 18 months old?? It's crazy that time really does fly by so fast. We are really trying to cherish every single moment that we have with you though, Harper, so that we don't let the speed of life sneak up on us.
We don't go to the doctor for your checkup until next week, but my guess is that you weigh around 26 pounds now and probably still around 31 inches tall. You have started talking more and more over the past few months, and I hear that the 18 month mark is a period of vocabulary explosion, so we are excited to hear you start learning and saying more and more words. You are calling several of us by our "given" names, as well as saying "thank you", "there ya go" and several other words here and there. You can also identify and make all kinds of animal sounds, which is so cute. You love making messes and playing with all of your toys in your new play room, and you still LOVE reading and looking at all your books.
You are pretty much on the same schedule as you have been for the past several months now, waking up around 8:00 am, napping from about 12:00-2:30 pm and going to bed at 8:00 pm. We still try to get you to eat 3 meals a day and snacks in between, but you are so inconsistent with your appetite! We always try but sometimes you just don't want to eat, and I've heard that's normal and ok. We know that you are growing, so no worries there. Your favorite foods right now are yogurt, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets and you adore mini oreos for a treat!
You have stayed pretty consistent with the clothing sizing for your age. You are wearing 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothing and size 5 shoes. We are hoping to start potty training within the next couple of weeks to see how you do. You have shown some interest in the potty, so we are hoping maybe you are ready to start going on the potty during the day.
We went to the dentist for the first time earlier this week. You have lots of teeth now, and the dentist said everything looked great! We, thankfully, have not had many problems with you teething and having a lot of pain (just some crankiness here and there), so we are thankful for that.
You continue to gain more and more independence and want to do lots of things by yourself instead of us doing them. You get super mad if we don't let you put your diaper in the Diaper Genie, you like to push your own high chair where it goes when it's time to eat and you like to pick out your own snack from the pantry. You won't really even accept a snack that we pick out for you! You do throw some tantrums here and there, which I know is normal, but you get over them really quick and move on to the next thing. Overall, you are fairly laid back, pleasant and happy! Sometimes you start giggling at things like you have your own little inside jokes- it's so precious!
You LOVE LOVE LOVE playing with phones. You are an expert now at controlling the phone, so we limit the phone usage to only when we really need to get something done like cooking dinner or getting ready. Your hair has gotten super long, but it's in an awkward stage, so it hard to fix sometimes. Because you stay home most of the time, we will just pull it up in pig tails or pin your bangs back out of your face.
Harper, we love you so much that it makes our hearts hurt! You are the best thing that has happened to us, and we look forward to every day with you, watching you learn more and more and grow!