I'm Tara- an Arkansas native, wife to Clint, mom to Harper, type A personality, lover of family, food and SIMPLY HAPPY.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Harper McKenzie- 20 months old

Dear Harper,

We are creeping closer and closer to 2 years old now, which is so hard to believe! You are 20 months now!!

We don’t go to the doctor again until 2 years old, so I have no idea what your weight and height are. I do know that you are a tall girl, so you must get that from your Dad! You have really been talking and babbling more and more over the past couple of months. You say Ma Ma, Da Da, Gee Gee, Gi Gi, Di Di, Thank You Thank You, No No and a variety of other sounds/words. You understand commands and can identify animals, fruit, vegetables, other foods, shapes, etc. Your favorite thing to do is to play outside, which I think is great! We don’t want you to be a kid that always wants to watch TV or just play inside. You throw a fit when we bring you in from outside! The weather is getting nicer and nicer, so we hope to have lots more outside fun. You still love to read your books, so you have a ton by now!

Since the last update, we found out that you are going to have a sibling. We are so excited to add another baby to our family and hope and pray that you love each other and that you both have a wonderful relationship. I know you will be a great big sister!

You are still on the same schedule- waking up around 8:00 am, napping from 12:00-2:30 or 3:00 pm and going to bed at 8:00 pm. You are still a picky eater, but we aim for 3 meals a day, and you LOVE to snack! Your favorite foods are still the same- yogurt, applesauce, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, mini oreos and pizza!

You are wearing 18 month, 24 month and 2T clothing. Thankfully, you have always been pretty on target for clothes sizing. You are wearing size 5 and 6 shoes, and you got lots of new pairs of sandals for the summer! 

The pediatrician said that we should probably wait to start potty training until after your sibling gets here, so we are still contemplating whether or not to try that out or not. You are wearing size 4 diapers, and we just bought some size 5 to try out.

You have always been a very healthy baby, although you have had a consistent cold/allergies for about a month or two now- runny nose, sneezing, coughing, etc. You get cranky here and there, but for the most part it’s just a nuisance for you. I think you have about 12 teeth now, so we don’t have to worry about giving you most foods. You can chew almost everything at this point.

I think we have started the terrible two tantrums a little early because you sure know how to have one! They happen mostly when we make you come in from outside, but you also throw some tantrums when you just don’t get to do what you want. Hopefully that gets better soon, although I doubt it will! You still continue to gain more and more independence, and we try to let you do whatever you can by yourself. Your favorite thing is to pick out your own food/snacks. You have started doing this little fake laugh that is adorable. Overall, you are still very pleasant and get more and more fun to play with!

You still love playing with our phones and know how to operate them better than us by now. Your hair is getting longer and longer, so it’s fun to fix it in ponytails and pigtails. We haven’t had to get a haircut yet; we’re just letting it grow for now!

We can’t wait to see what the next few months will bring since each and every one is new and different. You are so smart and are learning so much. Like they say, you are definitely a little sponge absorbing everyone and everything around you. We love you more than anything in the whole world, and thank God for bringing you into our lives!


Mommy and Daddy

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