Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday- Halloween Edition


1. I'm not a fan of scary or horror type movies AT ALL. I do, however, like some of the fun Halloween related movies. Some of my favorites are Hocus Pocus, Halloween Town, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, Practical Magic and Teen Witch. I'll definitely have to watch a few of these this month :)

2. I decided that Harper needed a trick-or-treating candy bag that she could use every year, so I ordered her this one from Pottery Barn Kids. It was very reasonably priced, the shipping was free and they monogram it! They have lots of other cute options to choose from as well. Not to mention, I ordered it on Wednesday, and it's supposed to be delivered today! Now that's fast service.

3. There are so many cute Halloween costumes that you can buy or make yourself for little kids. Clint's mom bought Harper two costumes last year from someone that she knows- a ladybug and a pig. They are both SUPER CUTE, and this year Harper is going to be a ladybug :) I'm not sure how long we'll be able to keep the hat portion of the costume on her, but hopefully long enough for a few pictures. I can't wait to dress her up and take her trick-or-treating in her wagon around our neighborhood. Also, it's an added bonus that Clint and I will get some candy to snack on!

4. Here are a few of my favorite pumpkin "designs" that I've seen lately. I'm not sure mine would turn out as good if I tried, but they are all really cute. I could probably manage the white pumpkins that you draw on with sharpies.

5. I really want to be a fun and creative mom, even more so as Harper gets older and remembers more. I think it's hard sometimes to make the effort to be creative when you work full-time and have a commute. Mornings are rushed and by the time you get home, you're exhausted. I really do want to make an effort though, so that Harper will remember me as fun and goofy. What make me start thinking about this was this cute, easy idea for pancakes that you could make on Halloween morning for your kiddos. We do eats lots of chocolate chip pancakes around our house anyways! You could come up with things like this for every holiday.

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