When Harper was born, I decided that I would write her a letter every month documenting what she was doing, how much she was eating, how she was growing, etc. I stuck to it and have one for every single month through her first birthday. As I said, I wanted to document everything so I wouldn't forget, but I also wanted her to have something as a memento of her first year. Although I'm not going to do it every month now, I do want to do updates every 2-3 months about what's going on with her.
Harper turned 14 months old yesterday, and it's hard to believe it has been over a year since she was born. You've all heard this, whether you have kids or not, but everyone says that times flies by so you need to enjoy and savor every single moment. Well, they are right. Time does fly, and I know that in the blink of an eye we'll be buying Harper her first car. Although life is busy, I still try to savor the moments I have with her every single day.
Over the past two months, Harper has mastered walking and is almost running! She has also turned very curious and tries to get in all the cabinets that don't have locks on them. She loves to pull all of the towels out and throw them on the laundry room floor. She also loves pulling all of the baking pans out and dragging them around the house too!
This girl absolutely LOVES being outside. I think she could spend all day out there just walking around and exploring. She goes on wagon rides, swings, picks weeds/flowers and just walks around. She will head toward the door and look behind her making sure you are following. If you aren't following, she walks up and tries to make you understand that she wants you to. Then, she goes to the door and just stands there, obviously wanting to go out. I'm so glad that the weather has gotten nicer, so that we can spend more time outside. It's going to get pretty cold though soon, so we'll have one cranky girl when she can't go out as often!
When we started feeding her table food around 9 months, she would eat almost anything. The past month or two though, she has gotten pretty picky. This girl's diet consists of dairy, carbs and fruit. We can rarely get her to eat meat these days and can't get many vegetables down her either. Her favorites are grilled cheese, cheese sticks, applesauce, bananas, cantaloupe, waffles and Gerber puffs. We always try to get her to eat whatever we are having- sometimes she eats it, sometimes she doesn't. She loves milk, water and juice (which is mainly water with a little juice for flavor). She has 7 teeth now, and we're expecting more to start popping up over the next few months.
She is wearing between 9-18 month clothing, depending on the brand. She has TONS of clothes, and I'm so glad she has stayed pretty true to size for her age because she had lots of clothes bought for her before she was even born to wear this past summer and this fall/winter.
Harper is still sleeping about 11 hours straight each night- she's always been a great sleeper ever since she was about 3 months old. She goes to sleep around 8:00 pm and wakes up between 7:00-8:00 am.
Her favorite toys are her books. She has really gotten to where she will sit down and let you read several to her these past two months. You can tell she's really concentrating, studying and listening as you read. I LOVE that she loves books; she takes after her Mommy in that regard :) You can tell she has also really started learning and listening. She can tell you sounds that different animals make and can point out/pick up those animals when you ask her to. We do birds (caw-caw), ducks (quack-quack), frogs (ribbet-ribbet) and babies (wah-wah) (those are some of her bath toys that we play with every night). She can also say Da-Da and Daddy, wave and say Bye-Bye and she says Ma-Ma every once in a while. She says "girl" in her own little way and "Aurora" in her own little way (from Sleeping Beauty).
Dear Harper, you have SO many people that love you so very much. You are one lucky girl! We are so lucky that you are good and pleasant. I'm so blessed and grateful to call you mine, and I can't wait to see what's in store for us over the the next couple of months as you learn and grow!
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