1. We keep hearing such good things about the Lone Survivor movie, so we are going to go see it this weekend. Hopefully it's as good as everyone says!
2. I am finally getting the rug in for Harper's playroom today! It has been delayed in Atlanta with all the stranded people and snow/ice. I hope to get that room finished this weekend, and then I can show pictures!
3. Harper has been showing some signs of being interested in the potty and going to the potty, so I think we are going to start trying to potty train soon. I realize it may not work the first time, but it can't hurt to try and see what happens. If she doesn't get it, we'll stop for awhile and try again! This is the potty we bought:
4. I honestly don't care much about actually watching the Superbowl, but I sure do like eating all the yummy food!
5. Yay for the weekend! I got my house cleaned, groceries bought and I'm leaving work at 1:00 pm today! Just a couple more hours to go :) I thought this was hilarious:
Hello from the link up! Loving the "Calories don't count on the weekend!" Hope you're enjoying a lovely {& delicious!} one!! :)