Friday, October 18, 2013

Five on Friday


1. I am so happy that it's Friday this week- even more so than usual! I have been so busy at work the past few days with some important quarterly meetings that I usually have to travel to out of state. Our company decided to hold them in Little Rock in October from now on, and I'm so glad that is two less times I have to travel during the year. I'm really tired today though, and I'm just ready for a nice, relaxing weekend with no real agenda :)

2. I don't really drink coffee. If I do it's the "froo froo" kind from Starbucks with lots of sugar, cream and syrup. This time of year though, I wish that I was an avid coffee drinker. The idea of it sounds so nice to have your nice, hot cup of coffee and go out and sit on the back porch in the mornings. Haha, like I said, I like the idea better than actually doing it.

3. I am SO over everyone talking about Miley Cyrus. Yes I realize I'm giving in by typing this right now, but she got what she wanted- a ton of attention- and now let's move on. I still remember her from Hannah Montana, and she should have stuck with that image.

4. I saw this bedding on Pinterest the other day, and I LOVE it. I can just see adding a little color with lots of throw pillows- I think it's gorgeous. Unfortunately, the link is not valid. Ugh, I hate when that happens on Pinterest.

5. We are supposed to embark on our freezer meals project this weekend. I'm not sure if it's actually going to happen though because some family are in from out of town staying at Clint's aunt's house. But, if we do end up following through, I'll let you know how it goes! Even if we don't do it this weekend, I am going to at least do it myself within the next couple of weeks. 


  1. That bedding on Pinterest is perfection ... I mean really. I think I'd sleep like a princess!

    Thanks for linking up with us :)

  2. Let me know how your freezer meal marathon goes!!
